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I’m Moving: Should I Sell or Keep My Things?

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I’m Moving: Should I Sell or Keep My Things?

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Planning a move and wondering whether to move your stuff or sell it? Transporting furniture and large household items is expensive, but so is replacing them. In this blog, we will help you figure out what options work best for you.

Pros And Cons Of Selling Items When Moving


  • You will save the time and energy required to prepare your belongings for shipment. Packing and loading all your household items is a genuinely stressful and time-consuming task.
  • You can make some money. The amount of money you will make will primarily depend on the type of things you will sell and their condition.
  • You will be able to set up your new home from scratch. This is a good option if you’re looking for a fresh, new start.


  • While you can make some money, it might not be enough to afford the items you want to buy for your new property.
  • You will lose items of high practical, aesthetic, and emotional value.
  • It will take you some time to find the right new things that suit your needs, preferences, and budget. 
  • Buying new items will be more expensive than shipping your old belongings.

Pros And Cons Of Moving Old Items


  • You will have everything you need as soon as your moving truck arrives and won’t have to spend time and energy looking for new items.
  • You will keep all the belongings you’ve become attached to, such as sentimental items, memories, comfortable and practical things you are used to having at home.
  • You will be able to make your new place feel like home within a couple of days.
  • Moving your old stuff is way cheaper than selling old items and buying new ones after the relocation.


  • You will have to pack all your possessions, organize your belongings, make a moving inventory, get adequate packing supplies, pack every item appropriately, and label the boxes. You will need to do all this work before the moving day. Although it can be very exhausting and time-consuming, you can hire professional movers to do the job for you.
  • If packed or loaded improperly, your belongings might break or damage.
  • You will have to rent a truck or hire a professional moving company. 

Should I Move or Sell My Stuff?

Now that you know all the perks and disadvantages of moving old items versus selling them before the relocation, you can decide what’s best for you.

If you aren’t still quite sure of where you’re relocating and don’t know what to do with your belongings in the meantime, consider renting a storage unit. Full-service moving companies offer all kinds of storage facilities, including climate-controlled units, non-climate units, and RV and Boat Storage.

Hire a Trusted Moving Company

If you’re looking for reliable moving companies with temporary storage, then D&D Movers is your best choice. Our furniture movers in College Station can help you pack and transport all your belongings, plus store all kinds of items safely and securely. Contact us today, and we will help you find the right storage unit for your upcoming move.


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Using A Storage Unit During a Move

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Using A Storage Unit During a Move

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There are many options available to make your moving process faster and easier. Whether you’re moving into a new home across the state or relocating your business down the street, renting a storage facility can help you have a smarter move.

Storage units provide a secure holding place for your belongings during the chaos of a move. Keep reading to learn more about renting a storage space and how it can help you have a more organized moving experience.

When Should I Use Storage During a Move?

Self-storage, both short and long-term, is an excellent way to store your household goods during a transition period or free up some space in your home. Here are some of the scenarios in which storing your belongings can be a life-savior:

Store Your Things While You Sell Your Home

If you are trying to sell your home, decluttering and staging it may help you sell it faster and make more money. Moving some old and bulky items into a storage unit will help you prepare your home for showings and real estate photos.

Store Your Belongings While You Search for a New Home

Renting a storage unit can be convenient for movers with short notice. If you already sold your home but are still searching for a place to move in, renting a storage facility is an excellent option to keep your belongings safe.

Keep Your Belongings Safe While Renovating 

If you need to make renovations in your new home, you may need to keep your stuff in temporary storage until you complete all of the repairs and improvements needed.

What Can You Store?

  • Furniture
  • Precious items
  • Household items
  • Tires
  • Appliances
  • Books
  • Clothing
  • Seasonal items
  • Cars, boats, motorcycles, and RVs

Moving is an exhausting and time-consuming task. Storing some or all of your belongings temporarily when moving can help you reduce some of the stress involved with the transition.

Simplify Your Move 

Looking for a company that offers storage with moving services? At D&D Movers, our College Station movers have the experience, training, and equipment to handle all your storage needs quickly and efficiently. 

We are a full service moving company that offers top-quality packing and unpacking services, Penske truck rentals, and storing services. We’re one of the best moving companies with storage options you could find.


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How To Pack and Load a Moving Truck

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How To Pack and Load a Moving Truck

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Whether you’re moving from coast to coast or across the state, the process of moving all your belongings from one location to another can take a lot of time and effort.

A successful move involves advanced planning, smart packing, driving permits, and the right transportation equipment. 

People often pack and load their household items aimlessly and quickly. Failing to load your belongings properly can result in damage or loss. If you are unsure how to fill the truck for your upcoming move, you have come to the right place.

From placing furniture to moving supplies, our step-by-step guide will help you move faster and smarter.

Figure Out What Size Truck Rental You Need

From cargo vans to 26 ft. trucks, most rental companies rent trucks and towing equipment of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Visit your local rental company at least a month ahead of your move, and ensure that the truck you choose has enough space to fit all of your belongings. 

Get All Your Packing Supplies 

Before packing the moving truck, gather all the necessary packing materials and tools. This includes boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, furniture pads, and moving blankets. Since your belongings might shift while in transit, they must be packed with the right supplies.

Disassemble Furniture

Dissembling big and bulky furniture pieces will help you maximize your truck’s space, as well as distribute the weight of heavy furniture more evenly. Dining tables, bed frames, desks, and dressers will make loading, hauling, and unloading safer and more comfortable. 

Load The Largest And Heaviest Items First

Ready to begin loading the moving truck? Load the largest and heaviest items first. This will include bulky appliances and furniture. Due to their size and weight, you should locate these items at the bottom of your moving truck.

Penske Truck Rental in College Station, TX

Are you looking for a quality rental truck for your upcoming move? D&D movers offer excellent moving truck rental in Texas. Our clean and well-maintained trucks will help you have a smooth and stress-free moving experience.

At D&D Movers, we help you move quickly and efficiently by providing you with all of the moving solutions you need. Contact us today to learn more about our moving and storage services.


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Penske Truck Rental in College Station, TX

Portrait Of Man Unloading Furniture From Removal Truck Outside New Home On Moving Day

Are you looking for a quality rental truck for your next move? D&D movers offer excellent Penske truck rental in College Station, TX.


Our Trucks

At D&D Movers, we offer well maintained Penske moving trucks convenient for both residential and commercial moves. All of our trucks are equipped with automatic transmission, A/C, power steering, anti-lock brakes, roll-up doors, and AM/FM radio. We have different types and sizes to fit all your moving needs.

Find The Right Penske Truck For You

At D&D Movers, we offer clean and reliable  Penske trucks of different sizes to best serve your needs. Here is a list of our rental options:

  • 12 ft. Truck

Our smaller truck has the perfect size to move one or two rooms, a studio, or an efficiency apartment.

  • 16 ft. Truck

This truck is recommended for 2 to 3 rooms. It is ideal for moving out of an efficiency apartment or a one-bedroom apartment.

  • 22 ft. Truck

Our 22ft truck can move up to 5 rooms. It has the right size to move a 2-3 bedroom home.

  • 26 ft. Truck

Penske’s 26 ft truck can move between 5 to 7 rooms. We recommend it for moving a 3-5 bedroom home.

  • Towing Equipment

Are you getting ready for a big move? Rent a tow dolly or car carrier from your local D&D Movers.

Enjoy the Benefits of the Penske Driver App

This digital tool lets drivers complete their daily tasks quicker, easier, and safer. The Penske Drive App helps us track rental trucks to ensure that all movings arrive at their destination safely and on time. In case of an emergency, drivers can submit 24/7 roadside assistance requests and view real-time updates.

Simplify Your Move With D&D Movers

At D&D Movers, we help you move faster and smarter by providing access to well-maintained moving trucks at affordable prices. All of our trucks receive maintenance and are carefully cleaned and inspected regularly.

We offer flexible and convenient reservation options that will help you have a smooth moving experience. Contact us today, and we will help you find the right Penske truck for your upcoming move.


3 Reasons Why You Need a Storage Facility When Moving

Background image of green self storage facility with opened unit door and cardboard boxes, copy space

Moving is a challenging process that can take a lot of time and energy. Whether you’re moving into a new home or relocating your business to a new location, renting a storage facility can help you have a more organized move. Here are three reasons why a storage unit can help you in your next move.

Save Important Belongings in a Secured Space

Moving can be complicated and messy sometimes. It doesn’t matter how organized you are while moving because things can always get lost while in the process. A storage unit can help you keep precious valuables secured. These units are perfect for storing fragile belongings such as artwork, jewelry, or furniture.

A Place to Store Your Things While You Sell Your Home

When it comes to selling your home, realtors recommend homeowners to “declutter” their properties so that it feels as spacious and clean as possible. Most buyers are looking for a home where they can picture themselves and their belongings.

Having a lot of stuff at your home might distract potential buyers from what you want them to see. Moving some belongings into a storage unit will help you prepare your home for all open houses and real estate photos.

Store Your Belongings While You Search for a New Home

If you’ve already sold your old home but are still looking for a new place to move in, having a storage unit can be very helpful to keep all your belongings safe.

Simplify Your Move

Hiring moving professionals that are fully equipped to handle all your storage needs will make your moving experience quicker and easier. Besides, a full-service moving company can help you pack and transport all your belongings, plus store all kinds of items safely and securely.

Hire a Reliable Moving and Storage Company

Working with a moving company that offers storage services is essential for a successful move. If you are looking for a moving company that provides you with reliable storage facilities in College Station TX, D&D Movers is your best choice.

We have spacious storage units for all kinds of belongings, and we offer moving services for your storage items. Contact us today.


Should I Move During COVID?

Moving during COVID-19 may sound like something that’s better to avoid; however, there are some good reasons not to wait until the pandemic is over. 

For people that have recently purchased a home or have their lease ending soon, moving isn’t optional. If this happens to be your case, don’t worry: many professional companies are taking the necessary measures to make your move safe, smooth, and affordable.

COVID-19 Safety Measures

 The moving company you hire should follow the following measures:

  • Requiring the use of face masks for customers and staff members
  • Providing virtual surveys instead of in-home surveys to provide estimates
  • Setting up sanitation stations
  • Practicing social distancing
  • Frequently sanitizing trucks and equipment
  • Screening employees and customers to make sure they aren’t sick

Special Promotions

Right now, many movers are offering special deals so that you can move without spending too much. These specials include lower rates and free disinfectant and protection services. Contact your local moving company and explore your options.

Is It Always a Good Idea?

Moving in times of COVID isn’t a good idea if you’re in a high-risk group. If anyone in your family is older than 60 or suffers from respiratory conditions, your best choice is to wait until it is safer to do so. You should also cancel your move if you or anyone in our family has COVID-19 symptoms or has been diagnosed positive.

Move Quickly and Safely with D&D Movers

Sometimes a move is unavoidable, and can’t be postponed. If this happens to be your case, hire a trusted moving company that follows all the safety measures and protocols recommended by the CDC.

If you’re looking for a professional moving company that helps you move safely and quickly during COVID, D&D Movers is your best choice. We are a moving and storage company with over 20 years of experience in the industry.

Whether you are moving from coast to coast or down the street, our team of experts will help you move all your belongings safely and smoothly. If you want to learn more about our moving services, call us at 979-693-6233 or fill out our online form for a quote.


How To Move Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A moving process often involves advanced planning, careful packing, heavy lifting, and the help of many people, specialty equipment, and a truck that can fit all of the items. It’s a stressful and time-consuming process, and doing it during a pandemic is even more complex. 

If you need to move soon but are afraid of doing it during COVID-19, we will guide you so you can move safely. 

Maintaining precautions while packing, transporting items, and working with movers isn’t easy, therefore you must hire a trusted moving company that takes the necessary measures to keep you and your family safe. Here are some of the most common questions people have while moving in times of COVID-19.

Are Moving Companies Open During COVID-19?

Although many businesses remain close due to the COVID-19 outbreak, most moving companies are still open for business. You should research which moving companies are taking the necessary safety precautions and also have good reviews overall.

How Can I Minimize COVID Transmission Risk While Moving?

There are many ways you can make your relocation safer for you and your family. Here are some ideas:

Get a Virtual Estimate

Many moving companies are now offering virtual estimates to reduce COVID transmission risks.

Instead of having movers come to your home, call your moving company and see if they can provide you an estimate via Zoom, Facetime, or Skype. 

Disinfect Your Personal Belongings

Clean and disinfect all your belongings, moving equipment and other high-touch surfaces. The CDC recommends using household cleaners and disinfectants such as Clorox Disinfecting Wipes and  Lysol® Disinfectant Spray to clean surfaces.

Hire a Trusted Moving Company

Make sure to hire a professional moving company that is taking all the necessary precautions recommended by the CDC to minimize the risk of COVID transmission. These measures should include using gloves and masks, disinfecting all items and equipment, and practicing social distancing.

Safe and Affordable Moving Services 

If you’re looking for a safe and affordable moving process, hiring an experienced mover can give you peace of mind. D&D Movers is a moving and storage company with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We provide high quality moving services across the country at affordable prices.

We’re also implementing all the recommended safety precautions to protect you as well as our team. Our movers will maintain a safe distance from you and your family (we recommend having a designated member of your household communicate with the movers). Our team wears masks and disinfects their hands before and after every move.

From providing you with all packing materials,  transporting them into a new location, and reorganizing them there, D&D Movers can help you complete your move safely. Get in touch with us today.


How Much Does Hiring a Moving Company Typically Cost?

Caucasian Divorced Men in His 30s Moving Out From His Home. Staying Between Cardboard Boxes Preparing to Pack His Lamp.

Planning a move can be tricky and stressful at times. Besides requiring a lot of planning and preparation, the moving process often involves renting moving equipment, packing your belongings carefully, loading all items into a truck, driving from point A to point B, and unloading everything in the new location.

Doing all of this by yourself can end up being overwhelming and expensive. Fortunately, there are experienced moving companies that can help you have a smooth moving process at affordable prices. If you want to know how much it costs to hire interstate moving services keep reading, we will help you get an estimate of all moving costs.

Average Moving Cost

Your total moving cost will mainly depend on how far you are moving. Remember that longer distances involve more fuel use, labor costs, and extra fees for the moving company. Moving companies often classify their services into local and long-distance moves:

Local Move: This refers to a short distance move done within the same metro area and state. Generally, any move under 50 miles is considered a local move. 

Long-Distance Move: Long-distance includes both intrastate and interstate moves.

Intrastate Moves: This refers to a long-distance move that is outside the metro area, but is contained within state lines.

Interstate Moves: This involves moving goods across state lines. Companies that provide interstate moves are required by federal law to follow certain regulations. Make sure that your interstate movers have both a US DOT number and a carrier number.

What is considered a local move or a long-distance move may vary depending on your state´s regulations. In some states, the cost of moving distances over 50 miles is based on the weight of the shipment rather than the standard hourly rate.

Average Cost for Local Moves 

The cost of a local move is generally calculated based on hourly-rates. On average local moves cost from $25 to $50 per mover/per hour.

Average Cost for Long Distance Moves 

The cost of long-distance moves is calculated depending on the weight of your belongings, and the distance of your move. Although rates vary from company to company, the average cost for long-distance moves ranges from $3,500 to  $4,900. This is based on a weight of 7,000 lbs. and a traveling distance of 1,000 miles.

Many factors go into calculating moving costs: the number of belongings you will be moving, the distance from point A to point B, the time of the year, the moving date, and the additional moving services you require. For this reason, the best to know the true cost of hiring professional movers is to get a free quote from a moving and storage company.

Efficient Move at Fair Prices With D&D Movers

At D&D Movers we are experts at providing all kinds of moving services at affordable prices. Whether you’re moving locally or to a different state, we can help. Contact us today to get a quote for your move.


Quick Penske Trucks Rentals In College Station

If you’re looking to make your move less stressful and a better experience for you, you need to get Penske trucks. These are known for their wide amount of space and because they’re perfect for moving. Whether you’re moving across town or to another state, these trucks are the best type of transportation to safeguard your belongings. 

D&D Movers is a moving company based in College Station. We have been fulfilling our client’s needs for many years, and we want to continue doing it. Our services were designed to make moving easier for our clients, including offering Penske truck rentals.


The Penske Truck For You

When you’re moving you need as much space as possible to transport all your belongings. It’s important that you have the right truck that will fit your needs.

We offer a variety of Penske trucks that you can rent based on how much space you need.

  • 12 ft. Truck – 446 cu. ft. (fills a 5×10 storage unit)
  • 16 ft. Truck – 783 cu. ft. ( fills a 10×10 storage unit)
  • 22 ft. Truck – 1,188 cu. ft. (fills a 10×15 storage unit)
  • 26 ft. Truck – 1,411 cu. ft. (fills a 10×20 storage unit)

We also offer towing equipment: a tow dolly or car carrier can make a huge difference in your move by making the process easier for you.

You can also have one of our experts drive the truck for you, especially if you’re moving to a different state. At D&D Movers, we are completely qualified because we:

  • Have a US DOT number, which the United States Department of Transportation grants to interstate carriers
  • Are registered with the FMCSA to transport household goods across state lines
  • Are fully insured

Trust In Professionals

Finding the right movers in College Station can be hard. However, with the help of our professionals at D&D Movers, you won’t have to worry about a thing about your moving. We want to handle everything so you don’t have to. We make things easier for our customers thanks to our complete moving services.